School of Education and Social Sciences

Departments in the School of Education and Social Sciences

Our Faculty

Dr. Kibaara Tarsilla, Dean, School of Education and Social Sciences

Dr. Kibaara Tarsilla M., PhD

Dean, School of Education and Social Sciences

– Ph.D. (Curriculum Studies), Catholic university of Eastern Africa, 2010
– M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies ), Kenyatta University,2006
– B.Ed. (Arts), Kenyatta University, 2002
– Certificate in Computer Applications, Zitech College, 2007

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Dr. Severina Mwirichia, PhD

Dr. Severina M. Mwirichia, PhD

Chair, Department of Education

– Kenya Methodist University (PLEM), KeMU, 2014 – 2017
– Master of Education in Leadership and Education Management (MELM), KeMU, 2009 – 2011
– B. Ed. and Counselling in Special Needs Education (B.ED, SNE) KeMU, 2005 – 2008

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Ms. Dorothy Kathambi Igweta

Chair, Department of Communication and Journalism.

• Ph.D Communication & Media studies, ongoing, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
• MA Communication Journalism ,The University of Nairobi), Kenya
• B.A Linguistics, Kenyatta University ,Kenya

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