Guidance & Counselling

The well-being of our students well being is taken very seriously. Across all our campuses, welfare, chaplaincy and counseling services are available, managed by highly qualified staff. The counselling center works closely with all students, Peer Counsellors, the Dean of Students, Academic Affairs Division, Health Clinic, Security, Clubs, Sports Tutor/Sports Groups, and Academic Departments. It also works with external partners, government and non-governmental organizations, and the corporates.

Our Vision

To become a trusted, visible and inclusive University Counselling Center that continually strives to enhance the mental health and the overall well-being of students and the larger university community

Our Mission

The mission of the Counselling Center is to support the university vision and philosophy, by creating an environment that promotes student growth and development with regard to both personal characteristics, interpersonal competencies and psychological well-being through direct counselling services, psycho-education and awareness programmes

Welfare, Chaplaincy, and Counselling Services Available

The well-being of our students well being is taken very seriously. Across all our campuses, welfare, chaplaincy and counseling services are available, managed by highly qualified staff.

The Chaplaincy offers spiritual nourishment, managing University Chapels in the campuses. There is a full freedom of worship at campuses. As a melting pot of diversity, KeMU is an ambiance of worship and spiritual growth.

Our Services

kemu football team

We Value:

  • Our passion and commitment to students' well-being
  • Integrity in all of our actions
  • A philosophy and practice of acceptance, compassion, and support for those we serve
  • Providing an emotionally safe and respectful counselling environment
  • A great appreciation for the dignity, worth and uniqueness of each individual
  • Being flexible and creative in our efforts to assist students
  • Striving for excellence through continuous learning and self care

We Offer:

  • A place where your voice will be heard in confidence and without judgment
  • A compassionate and confidential atmosphere to discuss personal concerns
  • Specialised therapeutic assistance to students who are encountering academic challenges, adjustment problems or who are experiencing psychological and emotional distress or more serious mental issues like depression and anxiety disorders
  • Our skills and expertise to the KeMU community through consultation, prevention services, and outreach
  • Services that foster the development of behaviours that students will need to thrive in Kenya Methodist University as well as in a complex global environment

We Honor:

  • The unique strengths and challenges of our students, while working to enhance their life skills, coping strategies, resilience, interpersonal relationships and ultimately personal growth
  • The mission and philosophy of the University by assisting students in ways that help them remain enrolled at KeMU and graduate as wholesome individuals who will contribute in the transformation of society


The Counselling Center works closely with all students, Peer Counsellors, the Dean of Students, Academic Affairs Division, Health Clinic, Security, Clubs, Sports Tutor/Sports Groups, and Academic Departments. It also works with external partners, government and non-governmental organizations, and the corporates.


  • The Counseling Center works with Faculty and Registrar Academic Affairs division to assist students enhance their academic performance through an early warning system to reduce the risk of academic dismissal
  • Liaises with Faculty to create awareness on the support that faculty can offer students with psycho-social issues that interfere with their learning

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

What is counselling?

Counselling is a collaborative process that involves both the counsellor and the client in co-constructing solutions for the client’s concerns. It is a relationship that is built on mutual trust, respect, effort and contribution to assist people manage their lives effectively and achieve what they want in life. Counseling provides a vehicle for individuals to explore their beliefs, thinking, feelings, values, problems, differences and discover solutions to their problems

Why come for counselling?

People go for counselling to gain insight, skills etc on the following areas:

  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Personal growth; managing identity issues
  • Learning new skills
  • Gaining new perspectives or ways of thinking
  • Affirmation on choices in one’s life
  • Skills for coping with social and peer pressure
  • Enhancement of mental health for effective learning, interpersonal relationships and personal growth
  • Empowerment with skills that will help you develop resilience and find more resourceful ways of dealing with life challenges
  • Self-awareness and self esteem
  • Strengthen your life skills for enhanced critical thinking, decision making, self-confidence, emotional regulation, stress management, time management, and goal setting among other skills
  • Enhancing your academic performance, by learning and dealing with things that undermine your focus
  • Exploration of career opportunities and crystalizing career aspirations
  • Wondering about what it feels like to go for counselling?

    Coming for the first time, you’ll be connected with a Professional Counsellor who will be ready to:

  • Welcome , attend and listen to you
  • Respect and take you for the unique person that you are
  • Accept you without conditions
  • Through the counselling relationship, you will be given the opportunity to:

  • Gain insight and new perspective on your life challenges
  • Gain new ways of viewing and thinking about the world and yourself
  • Develop resilience and boost your coping ability during difficult and stressful times in your life
  • Complain, explain, or just vent to feel better
  • Contact Us

    | Nairobi Campus:

    | Main Campus:

    Ethics compel that information shared during counselling sessions is CONFIDENTIAL (unless there is proven threat to life), with all counsellors bound to the professional code of ethics and law