Rev. Prof. John Kobia Ataya,Ph.D

Vice-Chancellor, Kenya Methodist University

The Vice-Chancellor of the University is appointed by the University Council in accordance with the provisions of the University Charter. The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive of the University and is the academic and administrative head of the University; have overall responsibility for the direction, organization, administration and programmes of the University; and has the following responsibilities and duties;
1. direct, promote and co-ordinate the activities of the University;
2. is responsible for academic, administrative, financial and development of the University
3. is the accounting officer of the University;
4. act as the representative of the University and be its Spokesperson in its external relations; and
5. is an ex-officio of the Council.

Contact Information

Office of the Vice-Chancellor

Main Administration Block, Main Campus, 3rd Floor


Mon – Fri 8:00A.M – 5:00P.M

Social Info

Student Resources