+(254)724256162, EXT: 8606
Main Campus, Meru

Dr. John Munderu Muchiri, Ph.D

Dean, School of Science and Technology

“Re-engineering Postgraduate Education for Leadership and Sustainable Development”


A published researcher and educationist in Agricultural Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Virology, Microbiology and Immunology. Focused to promote knowledge generation and advancement in diverse fields for translation to products and/ or policy change.

Key skills in scientific and academic writing, curriculum development, career advisory & mentorship, strategic management & leadership, with excellent & dynamic interpersonal relationship with people at all levels.

My own fascination and interest in science and research has never faded. However, my convictions that scientific research could offer more has broadened over time. Now, I do appreciate that applied research has the capacity to answer to the most basic of our daily needs like provision of clean water, alternative sources of fuel and energy, better health care, education etc.  This means with good planning, adequate capacity- both financial and human, the society needs can effectively be addressed.


  • Ph.D, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Rochester, New York - USA
  • M.Sc, Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • B.Sc, Biochemistry/Chemistry, University of Nairobi, Kenya


  • Muchiri, J. M., Li, D., Dykes, C., and Bambara, R. A. (2013) . Efavirenz Stimulates HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase RNase H Activity by a Mechanism Involving Increased Substrate Binding and Secondary Cleavage Activity, Biochemistry, 2013, 52 (29), pp 4981–4990 (ISSN 1520-4995, DOI 10.1021/bi4006618q)
  • Muchiri, J. M., Rigby, S. T., Nguyen, L. A., Kim, B., and Bambara, R. A. (2011) HIV-1 reverse transcriptase dissociates during strand transfer, J. Mol. Biol. 412, 354-364. (ISSN 1089-8638, DOI 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.07.055)
  • Muchiri, J. M., Ascolillo, L., Mugambi, M., Mutwiri, T., Ward, H. D., Naumova, E. N., Egorov, A. I., Cohen, S., Else, J. G., and Griffiths, J. K. (2009). Seasonality of Cryptosporidium oocyst detection in surface waters of Meru, Kenya as determined by two isolation methods followed by PCR, J. Water Health 7, 67-75. (ISSN 1477-8920, DOI 10.2166/wh.2009.109)
  • Dorice, O., Mugambi, M., & John, M. (2020). Effect of Cobalt, Molybdenum and Rhizobium on Yield of Soya Beans in Kisii County, Kenya. International Journal for Research in Agricultural and Food Science, Vol. 6(6), 08–19.
  • Mushimiyimana, D., Kamau, P. A., & Muchiri, J. M. (2017). Growth and yield response of maize varieties to regulated deficit irrigation in Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications (IJARP) . Volume 1 Issue 4 (1-5). ISSN: 2456-9992
  • AY. Kiria, JM, Muchiri, D. Mushimiyimana, E. Mutuma - Effects of Organic Manure Application, Seeding Rate and Planting Methods on Teff Grain Yields and Biomass Production in Marsabit, Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. 2022 Volume 88 (3), Pg 190-199).
  • ZK. Muriuki, RK Kei, JM Muchiri – Disaster Mitigation Measures as Strategies of Disaster Risk Preparedness in Informal Settlements of Nyeri Town, Nyeri County, Kenya.- European Journal of Health Sciences (EJHS) ISSN 2520-4645 (Online) Vol. 7. Issue 6, pp45-59, 2022. DOI
  • John M. Muchiri, Mworia Mugambi, and Patrick Gitonga (2023). The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Resource Conservation and Management: The Case of Njuri Ncheke, Council of Elders - Meru, Kenya. Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate, Working Paper Series No. 11. ISSN 2754-0308.

Research Interests

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Emerging diseases
  • Viral immunology


Scientific and Academic Writing96%
Curriculum Development92%
Career Advisory and Mentorship90%
Strategic Management and Leadership96%