Rev. James Karanja, Lecturer, Department of Theology, Religious Studies, and Counselling
+(254)721-283399; EXT: 8186
Main Campus

“I wish to welcome you most warmly to the Department of Theology, Religious Studies and Counselling (TRSC) in which I am   a Lecturer. The programmes that are taught at the Theology and Religious Studies Section ranges from PhD to Certificate level and are geared towards equipping students with religious, theological knowledge, pastoral, leadership and managerial competences in order to address related needs in the church, faith organizations, and educational institutions among others locally, regionally and the world at large. The Department aims at producing competent ministers, pastors, chaplains, lay preachers, leaders and religious teachers” – Rev. James Karanja


Rev. James Mwsangi Karanja is a lecturer and an ordained Minister at the Anglican Church of Kenya who joined Kenya Methodist University as an Assistant Lecturer in 2002.He has served for five years as assistant Lecturer and Lecturer at the Department of Theology, Religious Studies and Counseling. He has also served in the Department of Registrar Academic Affairs as Assistant Registrar, Senior Assistant Registrar and has acted briefly as Deputy Registrar, Academic Affairs as well as Registrar, Academic Affairs. He is also intensively involved in Community work in various capacities including being a minister at St. Peter’s Cathedral, acting Provost in the same Cathedral, BoM member in two secondary schools, members of Board of Management at KEMU SACCO where he has served for many years as Honorary Secretary among others


  • Ph.D. in Religious Studies Student, KeMU- ongoing
  • Masters of Arts in Religious Studies, University of Nairobi
  • Bachelor of Arts (sociology, Religious Studies and Philosophy), University of Nairobi

Research Interests

  • Church and society
  • Church History
  • Church Management


Leadership and Management97%
Pastoral Counseling, Guidance and Mentorship95%
Computer Applications92%
Teaching and Coaching91%
Board Meeting Organization91%
Report Writing90%