Ms. Jacinta Kagendo Magaju, CLPD Coordinator
KeMU Towers, 11th floor, Eastern Wing, Nairobi Campus

“I welcome you to the Center for Leadership and Professional Development. This is an enterprise section of the University whose key function is to roll out Short and Professional courses in various disciplines. Before my appointment to this office, I have taught Kiswahili in the Department of Education since my entry to Kenya Methodist University in 2009. I have served as an examinations officer in the Department and Coordinator for Education programs in Nairobi Campus. At the CLPD, anchored on the knowledge that learning is lifelong, we offer market driven and skills-based programs in Leadership and Management, Communication, Languages, Education, Health, Computer basics Networking and Cybersecurity, Security Management, Business, Environment, Beauty, and Mental health among others.

Through partnerships and collaborations with professional bodies and accrediting organizations we offer professional training for non-licenced members of the trade. Among these are CPA, CHRP and CCNA. We are in the process of training teachers in the Teacher Professional Development (TPD). In the pipeline too is the Cybersecurity Certification program. Students in their various programs are advised to take short courses that equip them with hands on experiential skills to boost their final academic certificate and as they graduate, we encourage them to enroll for the professional courses that obviously provide a niche at their job entry. On behalf of my team, I wish to the Center for Leadership and Professional Development where we ‘retool for professional development” – Ms. Jacinta Kagendo Magaju


Ms. Jacinta Magaju is a Kiswahili facilitator in the Department of Education under the School of Education and Social Sciences. Her background is Education and Kiswahili languages. Keen to her is translation. With the international recognition of Kiswahili and the declaration of the International Decade of Indigenous Langauge (IDIL 2022-2032), her interest has been to investigate use of Indigenous languages in society and more so in education.

Ms. Kagendo Magaju is involved in community service and specifically serving in the Parents Teachers Association Welfare Committee at Nova Pioneer Boys Tatu Campus. She is a member of the Rotary Club of Nairobi Thika Road and participates in Rotary key pillars of Projects, Fundraising, Programs and Membership which consequently supports the seven rotary areas of focus namely, fighting disease, protecting the environment, WASH programs, growing local economies and saving mother and children. Kagendo is a partner with Africa Center for Leadership and Missions that promotes Christian Evangelism locally and abroad. She spearheaded a project ‘Bicycles for DRC Evangelism’ that has seen three bicycles rise to nearly forty. Kagendo is an active member of the ‘Blessed to Bless’ initiative of Kenya Methodist University that provides financial and material support to needy students in the university.

Ms. Kagendo Magaju has been involved in translation works for Christian organizations such as Langham Publishers and Bible Project. She is a member of the Trauma Healing Institute, having completed the Classical Initial Trauma Healing Training hosted by the Bible Society of Kenya. She continually offers mentorship to the in her local neighborhood, high schools and the university. 


  • PhD, Education Leadership and Management, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Kenya (Ongoing)
  • MA (Arts), Kiswahili Literature, Kenyatta University (KU), Kenya
  • BEd (Arts) Kiswahili & Philosophy and Religious Studies, Kenyatta University, Kenya


  • Magaju, J.K. (2017). Growth of Kiswahili and Effective Communication. The 10 th Annual Decolonizing the Spirit Conference. University of Embu. pp. 181-202 ISBN: 978-9966-107-38-1
  • Magaju, J.K & Kambo R.N (2017). Decolonizing the media: What our Media has to offer. The 10 Annual Decolonizing the Spirit Conference. University of Embu. pp. 59-84, ISBN: 978-9966-107-38-1
  • Kambo,R.N. & Magaju, J.K. (2017). Indigenous Languages and Development. (2017). The 10th Annual Decolonizing the Spirit Conference. University of Embu. pp. 229-241, ISBN: 978-9966-107-38-1

Research Interests

  • Education Leadership
  • Language Policy in Education
  • Indigenous Languages
  • Kiswahili Language


Computer Programming - Java90%
Mobile Learning90%
Software Engineering90%