Julie Waceke Kiarie, Lecturer, Department of Information Science
(+254)722-599048; EXT: 1305
KeMU Towers, 13th floor, Nairobi Campus

“The world is fast moving towards a knowledge economy, with Kenya’s vision 2030 anchored towards its achievement. The School of Science and Technology is here to equip you with 21st century skills that will enable you to become globally competitive”


Ms. Kiarie is a well-trained information science professional with vast experience in academic libraries spanning over 13 years working in different libraries at various capacities. Her love for sharing this knowledge to upcoming information professionals more especially librarian has seen her transform into the academia space having recently moved to faculty  as a lecturer in Department of Information Science the with an aim of becoming a leading contributor in the field of information science and research.

Ms. Kiarie is currently undertaking her PhD studies conducting research on escalation of social media use in academic libraries


  • M.Sc, Library Information Science, Kenyatta University (KU), Kenya
  • BSc, Information Sciences, Kenya Methodist University (KEMU), Kenya
  • DPhil, Information and Knowledge Management, Technical University of Kenya (TUK), Kenya
  • Diploma in Library and Information Studies, Kenya School of Professional Studies (KSPS), Kenya


  • Review: Team member in writing a guide to APA referencing style 7th Edition for Kenya Methodist University library. Available http://library.kemu.ac.ke/downloads/APAG.pdf
  • Gitau, J.N., & Kiarie, J. W. (2018). Staff retooling practices role on information service delivery in selected private university libraries in Kenya. African Journal of Information Professionals (AJIP), Volume

Research Interests

  • Social media technology
  • Dynamic changes in academic Libraries


Proficiency in teaching and research with good analytical skills91%
Curriculum development97%
Good trainer with exceptional presentation skills97%