Egondi Obinga Patrick, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration
+(254)715-651505; EXT:
Mombasa Campus

“Power must change hands” – Egondi Patrick


Mr. Egondi is an Empowerment Trainer and Consultant in Management and Governance. He is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountant. He has extensively been engaged in Public Financial Management, Economics and Statistical analysis by different institutions.

Egondi is an experienced Researcher and Analyst and Teacher with over ten years work in the higher education sector.

Egondi’s research interests cover the Financial Institutions and Markets

Stewart has been teaching accounting and related subjects since 2013, with a particular emphasis on financial reporting, Auditing Economics and Statistics in both the private and public sectors. In recent years he has developed and delivered research methods and philosophical perspectives to accounting and financial management students


  • PhD, (Business Administration), (Ongoing)
  • MBA, Finance
  • BBA, Accounting

Research Interests

  • Performance Management
  • Financial performance
  • Financial reporting and Auditing
  • Financial Institutions and Market


Management and Consultancy80%
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