Edith Murugi Gitau, Lecturer, Department of Information Science
(+254)724-256162; EXT: 1305
13th floor, KeMU Towers, Nairobi Campus

“The world is fast moving towards a knowledge economy, with Kenya’s vision 2030 anchored towards its achievement. The School of Science and Technology is here to equip you with 21st century skills that will enable you to become globally competitive”


Ms. Murugi is a lecturer at the Department of Information Science, with interests in application of digital technologies in Information Science and Education.

Her passion is transforming libraries, record centers, archives and education sectors into digitized sectors. She trains students into embracing IT skills in their field of specialization and mentors IT-related enterprises.

Ms. Murugi, is currently undertaking research in Internet of Things in Academic Libraries; and Augmented Reality in Remote learning


  • DPhil, Information and Knowledge Management, Technical University of Kenya (TUK), Kenya
  • M.Sc, Information Science, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Kenya
  • BSc, Information Sciences, Moi University, Kenya
  • Diploma, Information Systems, Oshwal College, Kenya


  • Kamau, G., Murugi, E. Gitau, J. (2021). Assessment of Digital Library Services in Poverty Alleviation among the Youths. African Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering
  • Gitau, E.M. (2021). Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis of Internet of Things in Kenyan Libraries: A Case of Catholic University of Eastern Africa(CUEA) Library. Proceedings of 21st Annual IS Conference UniZulu, South Africa
  • Murugi E. (2019) Librarian Tool: Assistive Technology for Hearing Impairments
  • Murugi E., Mwangi, S. (2018): Digital Archiving software: Criteria for Choosing Archival Software

Research Interests

  • Digital Technologies
  • Info-entrepreneurship


Proficiency in Information and digital technologies96%
Teaching and research96%
Curriculum development91%
Public speaking, rapporteuring and marketing89%