Dr. Peter Mwangi Ngumo, Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy
+(254)721-595719; EXT:
Science Complex, Ground Floor, Main Campus

Dr. Peter Mwangi Ngumo, M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Analysis)

Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy

“The world is fast moving towards a knowledge economy, with Kenya’s vision 2030 anchored towards its achievement. The School of Science and Technology is here to equip you with 21st century skills that will enable you to become globally competitive”


Dr. Peter Ngumo is a lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Kenya Methodist University, Department of Pharmacy. The areas of interest include Pharmaceutical Control Analysis and Pharmacovigilance. He also is a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya (PSK).

He is passionate about training students and guiding them in research areas involving pharmaceutical control analysis and drugs’ chemical synthesis.


  • Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Analysis, University of Nairobi
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy, University of Nairobi


  • P.M. Ngumo, K.O. Abuga, P.M. Njogu and D.S.B. Ongarora; A Stability Indicating Liquid Chromatography Method for the Assay of Rufinamide Bulk Material and Tablets; East and Central African J. Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 19 (2016) 16-21

Research Interests

  • Project Management
  • Pharmaceutical Control Analysis
  • Pharmacovigilance


Scientific writing and publishing91%
Systematic reviews90%
Data analysis94%