Dr. Noah Murbiy – Mb Ch B, MMED

KeMU Main Campus - Meru

Dr. Noah Murbiy – Mb Ch B, MMED

CoD, Department of Internal Medicine

This is where the ART of Medicine meets the science part so as to eventually mould a complete doctor
that can work in all spheres of Medicine anywhere in the world.


Dr. Murbiy has been the chair of internal Medicine since 2018. He is a lecturer for internal medicine,
Pharmacotherapeutics and introduction to clinical tecniques.
He has a keen interest in inculcating the best ART of history taking and examination to the
undergraduate medical students. He participates both in lecture and hospital based training of the
medical students. He provides clinical services at the Meru teaching and Referral hospital as part of
medical training.

Dr Murbiy is a member of Kenya Medical Association and Kenya Association of Physicians . He is also a
member of the East, Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians ( ECSACOP ) .


  • Jan 2012 to Dec 2015 -Masters in Internal Medicine at The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi.
  • Feb 2002 – Nov 2008  Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB), Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret.
  • 1997- 2000  Kabsabet Boys’ High School: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Mean Grade A


  • Murbiy N.K, MB Ch B, Gerald Yonga MB Ch B, MMED, FRCP (Edin), MBA, FESC, FACC , Reena Shah MBChB, FRCP (Edin) , MSc , Peter Waweru MBChB, MMED. Respiratory Function amongst asymptomatic HIV positive and HIV negative clients at a tertiary care hospital in Kenya.


Problem Based Teaching90%
Clinical Demonstartions - OSCE85%
Curriculum Develeopment100%