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Dr. Lucy Kanyiri Ikiara, Ph.D

Designation: Registrar Academic Affairs
Unit: Academic Registry
Other Responsibilities: Sitting Member of UMB

“Customer and society focused services is our daily drive”


I attained a Bachelor of Education Arts (B.Ed. Arts) from Egerton University; Master of Education in Leadership, Management and Curriculum from Kenyatta University and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management from Kenya Methodist University. I have expertise in curricula planning, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. I am also a specialist in quality assurance in higher education, and have skills in Competency Based Education and Training (CBET).  Currently I teach and supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Schools of Education and Health Sciences.

Currently I am the Registrar Academic Affairs. Over the years I have participated in the development, approval processes and implementation of academic programmes with Commission for University Education (CUE) and other regulatory bodies. I have participated in development of over 100 academic programmes in Kenya Methodist University and other universities including AMREF International University, Zetech University, Moi University, Outspan Medical College , Aga Khan University and Meru University of Science and Technology.


  • Ph.D, Leadership and Management, Kenya Methodist University, 2018, Kenya
  • M.Ed, Leadership & Management, Kenyatta University, 2009, Kenya
  • B.Ed, Arts, Egerton University, 2000, Kenya


  • Ikiara, L,. (2021) Quality Graduate: Level of Preparedness in the Universities in Kenya, Stratford Peer Review Journal and Book publishing, ISSN:2616-8383, Vol 4 No 5
  • Ikiara, L., et al (2021) Educational Management and Leadership, OER Africa.
  • Kubai, P.K, Ndiba, M.P, Ikiara, L., Karani C., (2020). Knowledge and Preparedness of Corona Virus Pandemic among Health workers in Igembe South Health facilities; Asian Journal of Medicne and Health.
  • Ikiara, L. et al (2020). Assessing Utilization of Consistency Development Fund in Enhancing Quality Secondary School Education, International Journal of Advanced Research and Review ISSN No. 2455-7277
  • Emekwi, D, Mwirichia, S & Ikiara, L.I (2019). Factors Influencing Pupils Access to Primary Education in Conflict Prone Areas of Turkana East Sub-County

Research Interests

  • Learner Centered and Open pedagogies
  • Quality management and governance practices
  • Quality education and training
  • Curriculum development
  • Management of health care institutions


Leadership and management95%
Curriculum development, Implementation and Reviews 92%
Quality assurance and control 96%
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