Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid -Foreign Policy Theory and International Relations in the 21st Century, Year -2013, ISBN-978-93-82983-01-9, Publisher – Manglam Publications, Delhi, Web-
Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid -Ethical Perspectives and Leadership for Good Governance in the 21st Century, Year-2013, ISBN-978-93-82816-07-2,
Joshua O Miluwi- A Hand Book of Entrepreneurship of Intellectual Property Rights, First Edition 2014, ISBN-978-938293-25-5,
Joshua O Miluwi -Public Administration theory and practice (According new syllabus University Grant Commission) U.G.C. First Edition 2014, UGC First Edition 2014, ISBN-978-82983-22-4,
Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid -Research Methodology, Principles, Methods and Practices, First Edition 2014, ISBN-978-93-82-983-07-1,
Joshua O Miluwi -Corporate Social Responsibility Frame Work, Managerial challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, Publisher: Pragun Publications (2013), ISBN- 978-93-82816-01-0, Year: 2013,
Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid -International Trade and National Economy Theory and Policy, Year-2013, ISBN-978-93-82983-03-3,
Joshua O Miluwi -Organization Behaviour and Design, Year-2013, ISBN-978-81-89972-71-4,
Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid -International Business Environment, Text and case Study (2 Set Vol.), Year 2012, ISBN -978-81-89972-65-3,
Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid- Micro Economics, Theory and Application (According to New Syllabus University Grant Commission), Year-2013, ISBN-978-2983-08-8,
Joshua O Miluwi, Hina Rashid -Principle of Management and Organization Behaviour (2 Volumes), Year-2012, ISBN-13: 978-8184114799,
Joshua O Miluwi- E-Governance (Democracy and Administrative Strategy), Year-2013, ISBN-978-93-82983-05-7,
Joshua O Miluwi -Governance Development and Political Realism (Structural Issues and Policy Perspective), Year 2012, ISBN-978-81-89972-62-2, Publisher – Manglam Publications, Delhi, Web-
Joshua O Miluwi- E-Governance (Democracy and Administrative Strategy), Year-2013, ISBN-978-93-82983-05-7, Publisher – Manglam Publications, Delhi, Web-
Joshua O Miluwi -Ethical Perspectives and Leadership for Good Governance in the 21st Century, Year-2013, ISBN-978-93-82816-07-2, Publisher – Manglam Publications, Delhi, Web-
Joshua O Miluwi, Tourism -Travel Management 1st. ed. ISBN 9789382983293 Manglam Publications, 2014 Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2014) “FDI in India’s Retail Sector: Current Limitations to Future Aspiration” International Journal of Research in Social Sciences- A Quarterly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal-Included in the International Serial Directories, ISSN No. 2249-2496, Volume -3, Issue 2, pp -457-475,
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2014) “An Appraisal of Security Investments by Indian Investors” Indira Management Review- Bi annual Research and Academic Journal, Indira Group of Institutes , Pune (India), ISSN No. 0974-3928, Volume VIII, Issue 2, pp-16-34, July 2014,
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2013) “Resurgent Indian Banking Sector and Economic Growth” SAGAR MANTHAN” A Journal of Management & Research (A referred Journal of Saga Group of Institutions) ISSN No. 2278-5116, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp-123-131, November 2013
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2012), “The Future Trends for Human Resource Management: Challenges and New Directions”, GLOBSYN- Management Journal, Globsyn business School, The corporate B-School, ISSN No. 0973-9181, Volume 6, Issue 1 &2, pp-81-87, January- December 2012.
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2012), “Corporate Governance and CSR: Toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, Volume-10 Number- 4 December 2012, pp.-1-25,
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2012),“Economic Reforms in India: Challenges, Effectiveness and Future”, The Journal - Contemporary Management Research-Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM), ISSN No. 3429-1981, Vol.4, Issue-6 Jan-June2012, pp. 6-19
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi and Hina Rashid (2011) “The Right to Information Act. And It’s Impact on Indian’s Politics and Administration” CIIT International Journal of Software Engineering, P-ISS No. 0974-9713, O- ISSN No. 0974-9616, pp-65-74, Issue: September 2011,
Dr. Joshua O. Miluwi (2007) “Effects of Globalization on India’s Growth: Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century” PIRJMs (PROFICIENT International Refereed Journal of Management), ISSN: 0975-475x, Vol.-II, Issues-V, March 2007, pp. 19-26