Dr. Josephat Kariru Kigo, Chair, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences
+(254)724-256162; EXT:
Science Complex, Ground Floor, Main Campus

“It is my pleasure to welcome you to KeMU and the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences.

We aim to nurture excellence and provide you with an exceptional learning experience and are able to forge a career path that is fulfilling.

Create networks ass you pursue your studies here in KeMU and get involve in our PAS Department Activities, utilize the support offered and take advantage of the opportunities KeMU can offer you.

If you have any questions during your matriculation week or at any time in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team of staff in the department; we are here to support you.

I wish you every success in your time at KeMU and hope it will be an enjoyable and transformative experience” – Dr. Josephat Kariru


Dr. Josephat Kigo is a lecturer at the Department of Pure And Applied Sciences, with interest in Mathematics and Physics.

His passion is on Educational Technology, Special Subject Methods, Physics, Research methods.


  • Ph.D, Physics Education, Kabarak University, Kenya
  • M.Ed, Science Education, Egerton University, Kenya
  • B.Ed. (Sci.), (Physics and Mathematics), University of Nairobi, Kenya

Professional Affiliations

  • Physics Society of Kenya (PSK)
  • Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=7szmxZsAAAAJ)


  • Effects of using a water flow advance organizer on Secondary school Physics students conceptualization on electric current flow; a case of selected schools of Nakuru district, Kenya” ( Journal of technology and Education in Nigeria, Vol. II, No. 2 2006) – An extraction from my M.Ed. (Science Education) thesis. KIGO J.K; OKERE M.I.O; CHANGEIYWO J; GOLICHA H.A (2007)
  • A Survey Report on the Effectiveness of Advance Organizers Research as a Teaching Strategy-Josephat K. Kigo1[1], Mark Okere2, Christopher M. Maghanga3 1School of Education, Kabarak University
  • Science Process Skills Advance Organizer and Students’ Motivation Orientation in Secondary School Physics -Josephat K. Kigo 1*, Mark. I.O. Okere2, Christopher M. Maghanga3, Bernard Chemwei4, 1School of Education, Kabarak University

Research Interests

  • Statistics and data analysis
  • Educational technology
  • Special subject methods, Physics
  • Semi-conductor Physics, Digital Electronics, Electrodynamics and Quantum Physics
  • Thermal physics
  • Research methods


Curricula Development98%

Kenya Methodist University

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