KeMU TI is an Approved and Licensed Training Institute by TVET Authority
Registration Number: TVETA/PRIVATE/TVC/0042/2021AI

Our Vision:
A Centre of excellence in Competence Based Education and Training providing Holistic
nurturing to inspire innovation and self-reliance.

Our Mission:
To provide quality Competency Based Education and Training that recognizes and
nurtures the potential of each learner towards achieving higher standards of Excellence.

Our Motto:
Dreams are still valid.




                                                                                                        Our Intakes

                                                                                             January, May, September

KeMU TVET Institute Programs Accredited by TVET Authority


Business Management
Project Management
Human Resource Management
Procurement & Supplies Management
ICT Technician
Library and Information Science
Social Work and Community Development
Community Health
Agricultural Extension
Horticulture Production and Processing
Food and Beverage Sales and Services
Human Nutrition & Dietitics
Tourism and Travel Management
Criminial Justice & Security management
Counselling Psychology
Maritime Transport and Logistics (KMA Approved)


Call us on:

Meru Town Centre-0202118434,Meru Main Campus-0724256162/0734310655
Nairobi Campus -0725751878/0735701311,Mombasa Campus- 0714414998


CISCO (CCNA 1,2,3,4)
Kenyan Sign Language (KSL)
Foreign Languages(French, German)
Music (Keyboard, Guitar, Set Drums,and Vocals)
KASNEB courses

Why Join  KeMU TVET Institute

1.Affordable fees payable in installments.
2.Quality in the curriculum delivery.
3.Free CISCO courses in your area of interest.
4.Free WIFI to students for learning.
5.Flexible modes of study to suit all working professionals.
6.Guaranteed timely completion of academic programs on accelerated modes.
7.Credit transfers and exemptions offered to qualified students from recognized institutions.
8.Access to KeMU Development Association (KEMUDA) scholarship, CDF and Bursaries.
9.Mentorship for every student at a personal level.
10.Conducive learning environment.
11.KeMU-TI is located within the central business district.
12.Multicultural learning environment with different nationalities.


Business Management
ICT Technician
Records and Archives Management
Social Work and Community Development
Community Health
Horticulture Production
Food and Beverage Sales and Services
Tourism and Travel Management
International Relations
Kenyan Sign language
Maritime Transport and Logistics(KMA Approved)

Artisan certificate Courses (Level 4)

Office assistance

How to Apply

Visit our website:
Email us on: