Mr Gitonga’s Legacy of Service Since 2006: Thank you for 19 Years of Unwavering Service and Dedication at KeMU

Since 2006, Mr. Simon Gitonga has been a pillar of dedication and professionalism in the Operations Department at Kenya Methodist University. For 19 years, he has ensured the safe transportation of students across Kenya and beyond, transversing distances that span countries such as Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania. Whether it was day or night, Mr. Gitonga answered the call of duty with unmatched commitment.

No journey was too long, no hour too late. Mr. Gitonga’s dedication to duty knew no bounds, when duty called, it was an hour to serve, often pushing through challenging circumstances to fulfill his responsibilities. If his driving hours were scientifically quantified, they would rival a journey to the moon and back! —a testament to his unwavering dedication.

Colleagues fondly refer to him as “Kathee,” a sobriquet that speaks to his humble yet impactful nature. Reflecting on his mentorship, one colleague remarked, “Kathee helped me adapt to this profession in my early days. I owe my experience to the guidance he offered during my junior years.”

The KeMU community gathered at the Nairobi Campus Chapel to celebrate his legacy, with the event graced by the Vice Chancellor Revd. Prof. John Kobia Ataya. A cake-cutting ceremony was held in honor of his outstanding service, marking nearly two decades of unwavering dedication.

“I will remember the many transformative missions with the Christian Fellowship where I witnessed our students change lives, I will miss the excitement of sports tournaments where I saw our students shine, and the relentless marketing outreach activities that took the name of our university to the farthest corners of our country,” Mr. Gitonga shared during a telephone conversation.

As he now proceeds to his well-deserved terminal leave, we thank Mr. Gitonga for the profound impact he has made on the KeMU family. His service, mentorship, and passion will forever be valued and remembered.



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